I've recorded over twelve interviews thus far from a variety of people.
Some of my more recent interviews are of food service people, a crossing
guard, and one is a Lyco art grad who has worked all across the country
but settled in Williamsport.
Brian is a 3rd generation Lycoming College grad and graduated with an art degree in 2002. Currently he's working on a piece, for the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, examining solitary confinement through audio. It'll be a sound collage illustrating the constraints of this practice.
Worth Rawson owns Dirty Dogs Gallery on W Fourth Street and invited me to interview and film him at work. We talked for over 2 hours about his art, Williamsport, and what he thinks this city could use. He explained that "it's such a growing community. Like all places, it has it's issues, but it's heading in the right direction."
Brittany Tasch, a former SLC of Lyco and church programming director at City Alliance, met with me to discuss the importance churches have on this community. She explained that her faith grew stronger after coming to Lycoming College and attending church with a few people. "It wasn't something that I expected. But I broke and needed something."
Thus far, I'm becoming more aware of the issues circulating around Williamsport. The biggest is of course crime. Both other areas of concern involve mental health, homelessness, and urbanization. One informed me that the hospital bought out over seventy homes and demolished them for a majority of their parking lot, which is rarely at half capacity. This forces those individuals to look for housing in other locations, usually out of the area. Others have mentioned that downtown areas need more parking to invite people in and feel free to walk around the businesses.
I've done some initial coding of my website. The plan is to have a page dedicated to each person and have a variety of forms, such as audio, movie, and text. I'm researching ways to have the Worth's wheel turn at the rate of someone's scrolling - responsive scrolling/parallax scrolling. We'll see how that goes....